Join us for worship

Sundays at 8:30am & 10:30am

"Said" Holy Communion at 8:30am
Fellowship & Choir Rehearsal at 9:30am
Family Holy Communion with Traditional Music at 10:30am
Nursery and Children's Ministry (K-6) provided

Grounded in the Gospel, steeped in tradition, nurtured in community.

We are a community rooted and growing in the Good News that Jesus Christ offers hope in the midst of all the hurt, suffering, and darkness of the world. We welcome you to join us for worship.

All Saints Anglican Church Sunday Pre-Worship

Lent at All Saints

Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner - Tuesday, March 4, 6:00pm
Suggested donation: $5 individuals/$15 families

Ash Wednesday Imposition of Ashes & Holy Communion - Wednesday, March 5, 7:00pm

Thursday Soup Dinner Fellowship (6:00pm) & Holy Communion (7:00pm) - March 13 through April 3

Stations of the Cross & Holy Communion - Friday, April 11, 7:00pm

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Who runs this place?

Our church has a rich heritage. Read more about it.

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What does it mean to be part of the Anglican tradition?

The very best news

What is the Gospel?

The Gospel (literally “Good News”) is God’s proclamation of His total, undeserved, unrepayable, one-way grace and forgiveness of all our sin, together with our redemption and adoption as His children, all because of what Jesus Christ accomplished for us on the Cross and through His Resurrection.

In the Gospel, we come face to face with the tough truth that our sin is so great that the Son of God had to die for us, but the heartbreakingly beautiful truth that God’s love for us is even greater in that He wanted to die for us.

The Gospel means that, in and because of Jesus Christ and His Cross, there is nothing we need ever do to make God love us more, and there is nothing we could ever do to make God love us less. In the Gospel, we are set free to live lives of humble, joyful gratitude, grounded in the knowledge of God’s unfathomable love for us in Christ.

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Our Location: 1510 Haine School Road, Cranberry Township, PA